About a month ago I started two new engagements roughly at the same time. Prior to that I had had a rule – that I was pretty good about following – that I would “pay myself first” and spend the first hour of every day working on Snip.
One of my new engagements involves teaching students in Nigeria how to code, and since Nigeria is 6 hours ahead of Michigan, I have to get up super early so I can be with them from about 7 to 11 my time. This has kind of killed my routine of working on Snip for the first hour of the day.
At first this routine was new and the engagements were new and I didn’t feel too terrible about putting Snip on the back burner for a minute. Then I realized these two new engagements probably aren’t going anywhere anytime soon and that this new schedule is probably “it” for the next year or more. So I have to figure out a way to have Snip in the mix still.
Today I decided my schedule will be that I’ll do my training thing from 7-11 each morning, then do an hour of Snip, then do my other client work and whatever else. Since my current focus is getting traffic via putting up interviews on the site, I spent an hour finding people to interview and reaching out to them to ask for the interview. I have a log of who I’ve asked so I can track my success rate and not accidentally ask the same people multiple times.
So I’m back on the rails after about a month of fucking up. At least if you count one day’s worth of not fucking up being back on the rails.
To mention the numbers real quick, I have 9 customers and my revenue is at about $380 per month. Getting closer to that $500/mo mark.
My consulting situation is by far the best it’s ever been by the way. I’m earning way more than I ever have at a job, and I have good clients who I like to work with and fit with my overall career plans. But I gotta remember that while consulting can give me a good income, I need to keep focus on Snip in order to develop wealth.